
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

C-SPAN Digital Bus: Politics in Motion

The Campaign 2012 C-SPAN bus hit the streets, and stopped at the University of Southern Mississippi's campus. The interactive bus is currently making trips across the US to educate students and the general public. The bus contains a sitting area often utilized for video conversations - question and answer sessions with politicians and top students from schools across the nation. The marketing representatives aboard the bus, like Jenny Marland, allow visitors to take a self-guided tour, and they are there to offer helpful hints and knowledge about navigating the network's multiple channels, website, and applications. Look for the bus coming to a town near you! 

Leave your comments, critiques, or questions! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My First Package - Pink Ribbons

This was my very first news package. The package shows what local businesses in and around the Hattiesburg area are doing to support breast cancer research. This video is provided by Hub City TV's (University of Southern Mississippi TV station) YouTube page, HubCityTVUSM. 

My current broadcasting professor encourages us to not give any excuses. NO EXCUSE will be acceptable when the news is running and there is a black screen where your/my story should be.This package isn't perfect, but I'm learning. Stay with me and feel free to give me your feedback on future stories!

This package was completed in October 2011. 

Everyday is a journey for journalists

I have to admit something. I wish I would've started this blog earlier in the semester (I was encouraged to do so, but I got so preoccupied with other things-shame on me, I know.) The journey to become a journalist has been a very long one, and it still continues. Even after I graduate, I know that I'll still be learning. After encountering several bumps throughout this semester while performing interviews and even getting lost on the way to shoot, I understand that being a journalist isn't about perfecting the techniques we've been taught in class, but it's learning how to utilize what we've learned in class to fulfill the stories that we should be covering. Even if a journalist goes into the field armed with textbook knowledge, it does not mean a thing if you can't utilize those techniques in the field! 

So, here's my journey! I hope you all enjoy it! Next semester I'll make an attempt to post as I cover a story instead of bombarding the blog with the videos simultaneously (no promises though!) When I'm up against various deadlines, I may not be able to post the videos immediately! 

I hope you all enjoy the blog! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave comments! Opinions matter to me. I hope that I can successfully share my progress with you all!